Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying

Chapter 18 Quotations- page 139
"You must show her some understanding, some kind of love."
"Thats for youmans," he said. "I ain't know youman."
" Then why do you speak, Jefferson?" I said. "Human beings are the only creatures on earth who can talk. Why do you talk? And where clothes? Why do you wear clothes?"
This quotation indicates conflict between Jefferson and Grant. Jefferson is still not doing well. He believes that he is not human and Grant states many reasons of why he is human. He wants to talk some sense into Jefferson so that he can act better and make Miss Emma feel better.

This quotation characterizes Jefferson as  nonchalant. That fact that he is getting executed makes him care less about the world outside of jail and the people who visit him.  He has a attitude that shows that he feels no need to be called a human since he will be slaughtered like a hog.

Chapter 19 Quotation- page 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A lesson Before Dying chapter 16-17

Chapter 16 quotation- page 122
"Th'ow something," he said 
"I'll never th'ow you nothing, Jefferson," Miss Emma said. 
"You th'ow a bone to a dog. Slop to a hog. You ain't no hog." 
"That's all I'm is," he said. 

This quotation relates to the theme of discrimination. In chapter 1, Jefferson was called a hog to prove his innocence but was being insulted at the same time. Now that he is in jail he has been treated like an animal and believes that he is one. When he said "Th'ow something", that shows that he is use to the cruelty of being treated like a hog.
This quotation reveals Jefferson's character as easily convinced. He chooses to believe he is a hog and not a man. He allowed the Caucasians to plant in his head that he was nothing other than a hog. Miss Emma keeps telling him that he is not a hog but Jefferson's strongly believe otherwise.

Chapter 17 quotation- page 126 
"I'm I'm not going to get too close to him okay?" 
"I've been warned: you don't get too close to somebody going to be executed. Be decent, treat him right, but that's all. This can get messy before it's over, and I will do my duty." 
This quotation characterizes Paul Bonin as a sympathetic person. He does not want to get close to Jefferson because when it's his time to be executed Paul will feel sad. Paul wants to prevent this by not getting close to Jefferson.
This quotation also shows that Paul cares about his job. He puts feeling aside and continues to do his duty. His relationship with the prisoners is not close because he thinks of it as him doing his duty.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

If I could go anywhere in the world it would be Hawaii. Hawaii has a warm climate that is perfect for relaxation on a vacation. I want to go to Hawaii because I want to experience the different culture and traditions im hawaii. I would stay for a month because there is so much that I want to see and many activities I want to do.  Want to eat their food and relax on the beach. I want to ride jet skies and go site seeing. Also I want to learn how to hula dance because dance is my favorite hobby. Hawaii is the perfect place to learn how to hula dance.