Sunday, May 15, 2016

Course Reflection

My experience in AP English was very interesting.There are many things I have learned throughout the course that will help prepare me for English in college. The thing I liked most about the course was the writing because writing is one of my strengths. Although I may not be perfect at writing, this course has helped me to challenge myself to become a better writer. What I liked least about the course was the many assignments that were given within each week of school; however, I have learned to manage my time with school work and life outside of school. I have learned many things such as writing a thesis statement and even deeper things such as life lessons which will benefit me later on as an adult. The course overall has prepared me well for the AP Exam very well. I was not nervous at all; however,I was worried about using time wisely so that I could finish. If I could take the course again, I would because I feel that this course was the most interesting English course I have taken in high school. I obtained a lot of knowledge from the beginning to the end of the course.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reflecting on the ACT

When taking the ACT, my biggest stuggle was time management.Managing time on the math part was difficult.The math itself was not extremely too hard but more time was needed to accurately work out problem and I could have done better.I feel that B. C. Rain did not prepare me well for the ACT. We did not have any test prep to help prepare us for the test. Teachers spent more time to prepare sophomores for the Aspire test when they don't have to take the actually ACT until next year. I will not say that they should not prepare sophomores but it was not fair that they got help and the juniors did not. The testing environment was kind of distracting for me. Students were sleeping and snoring which disturbed my thought process. Also students were reading aloud which was annoying. I feel as if I made a 20. To improve my score, I would take time to prepare ahead of time to work on areas where I am weak. Also teachers should have helped us with practice assignments.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The American Dream

I think the American Dream is a vision of America being a place of peace and happiness. America has been through many things such as war for freedom,slavery,and racism. A country where peace and happiness exists is hard to get when there are so many people who cause chaos on a daily basis.People are killing others and making the world an unsafe place. If all people would learn to be humble,forgiving, and loving the American Dream can come true. I want America to be free from the things that are keeping it from being as great as it can be.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Something good that I can do over the weekend is reading to children at the hospital. I love children and reading to them would be a way of giving back. I would read them Easter stories and try my best to keep them smiling and thinking positive. Sick children deserve to have someone to come brighten their day and they need something to keep them entertained since they are in the hospital majority of the time. By me reading to children who are diagnosed with cancer and other sicknesses,I would be giving them hope and showing that I care.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Letter to the Governor

Dear Governor Edwards,

My name is Annabelle Jones. I am a housewife that stays home to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. I am 41 years old with 3 children Eddie, AnnaMae, and Celie. I have a husband, John Jones, who works as a laborer. We do not have much money but, I will do anything to make sure our family never misses a meal. I am 5'5 with dark brown, curly hair and brown eyes.

I have lived in the same neighborhood with Miss Emma for a long time. Jefferson used to come over and play with Eddie when they were kids. Jefferson was the sweetest child. He would always use his manners saying "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am" when speaking to me. He has a good, kind heart as well. He would help out with my garden without intentions of getting rewarded. I tried to teach him to read a little whenever we had time to. He would go places with Brother and Bear and even though Jefferson was a good boy, Brother and Bear were not a good influence for Jefferson. They were always up to something. Whether it was eating all of the berries in my garden without permission or planning to stealing candy from the corner store.

Jefferson was the good guy of the three. He was afraid of the world judging him and chose to associate with the wrong group of people. I know Jefferson is innocent. He wouldn't dare go near a gun. I know for a fact he does not know how to shoot one as well. He can barely aim for the toilet when using the bathroom. He should not be executed simply because there is not enough investigation to prove that he has killed someone. Although he was the only one found at the scene, what about witnesses or evidence? No one bothered to ask if someone saw Jefferson shoot the two males. No one bothered to see if Jefferson's fingerprints were on the weapon used to kill the two men. No one even bothered to see if Jefferson had a weapon on him at the moment. It is not fair to conclude that Jefferson is guilty when there was no real evidence to support it.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying

Chapter 18 Quotations- page 139
"You must show her some understanding, some kind of love."
"Thats for youmans," he said. "I ain't know youman."
" Then why do you speak, Jefferson?" I said. "Human beings are the only creatures on earth who can talk. Why do you talk? And where clothes? Why do you wear clothes?"
This quotation indicates conflict between Jefferson and Grant. Jefferson is still not doing well. He believes that he is not human and Grant states many reasons of why he is human. He wants to talk some sense into Jefferson so that he can act better and make Miss Emma feel better.

This quotation characterizes Jefferson as  nonchalant. That fact that he is getting executed makes him care less about the world outside of jail and the people who visit him.  He has a attitude that shows that he feels no need to be called a human since he will be slaughtered like a hog.

Chapter 19 Quotation- page 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A lesson Before Dying chapter 16-17

Chapter 16 quotation- page 122
"Th'ow something," he said 
"I'll never th'ow you nothing, Jefferson," Miss Emma said. 
"You th'ow a bone to a dog. Slop to a hog. You ain't no hog." 
"That's all I'm is," he said. 

This quotation relates to the theme of discrimination. In chapter 1, Jefferson was called a hog to prove his innocence but was being insulted at the same time. Now that he is in jail he has been treated like an animal and believes that he is one. When he said "Th'ow something", that shows that he is use to the cruelty of being treated like a hog.
This quotation reveals Jefferson's character as easily convinced. He chooses to believe he is a hog and not a man. He allowed the Caucasians to plant in his head that he was nothing other than a hog. Miss Emma keeps telling him that he is not a hog but Jefferson's strongly believe otherwise.

Chapter 17 quotation- page 126 
"I'm I'm not going to get too close to him okay?" 
"I've been warned: you don't get too close to somebody going to be executed. Be decent, treat him right, but that's all. This can get messy before it's over, and I will do my duty." 
This quotation characterizes Paul Bonin as a sympathetic person. He does not want to get close to Jefferson because when it's his time to be executed Paul will feel sad. Paul wants to prevent this by not getting close to Jefferson.
This quotation also shows that Paul cares about his job. He puts feeling aside and continues to do his duty. His relationship with the prisoners is not close because he thinks of it as him doing his duty.